Official Ironman Rally Song

by Guided By Voices

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:08 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



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1st → Vocals
2nd → Bassk 3
3rd → Guitar1
4th → Drums

File Size

30 KB




Bi-tter fish in crude oil sea; you don't have to bo-ther me. You just have to join in on this song. Craw-ling peo-ple on your knees; don't take this so se-riou-sly. You just have to hum it all day long. To dine a-lone to build a pri-vate zone; or tri-gger a sy-napse and free us from our traps You won't see me turn my back; with my head a-gainst my stack. Spi-nning deep and bro-ken o-pen skin. O-ffi-cial iron-men you are free; cha-mpi-ons o-ffi-cial-ly, but you won't catch me on an o-pen chin. To dine a-lone to build a pri-vate zone; or tri-gger a sy-napse and free us from our traps Knock out pu-nches for the freaks; ha-ppy li-ttle ba-bies with red cheeks. You will rock them ge-ntly out of synch. Co-nfir-ma-tions through the wire; spi-tting gas in-to the fire. Am I a-lso wor-thy of a drink? To dine a-lone to build a pri-vate zone; or tri-gger a sy-napse and free us from our traps


Guitar tab basically stolen from - tabbed by Remi Lagier and Davad. Bass, Drums and Vocals very loosely tabbed by Joshua de Kruiff